Our brain controls more than just our thoughts. Like a central computer,a minute aspect of our brain called the pons is computing simultaneous calculations that control our sleep, respiration, swallowing, bladder control, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, facial expressions, posture, and facial sensation. The pons is located at the top of the brainstem acting as a mediator between the brain and the body. Its location is key to its purpose in the brain.
Just as birds are imitated by planes, the pons is imitated by computers. A brain contains various areas that carry out different functions. The pons is analagous to one computer controlling several aspects human body's system. For example, a car's carburetor which controls the gasoline and air mixture to produce a optimal solution to fill the volume of a piston is something the driver never notices. Computers in planes, cars, and many other systems simultaneously control certain factors in each respective system to maintain equilibrium performing like the pons.
Mental diseases which occur in the pons contain the potential to disrupt a human's basic vital functions and daily life. A pons that does not fully carry out it's job can be replaced by a computer that can monitor its responsibility like respitory rate and bladder control. If a central processing unit can control several processes on a computer, then it sure can be manipulated to control basic bodily functions. There are two barriers to this solution. First, a connection between the neurons and electric signals from a computer chip needs to be established in order for this work. Secondly, a source of energy for this chip would be necessary . A battery that constantly needs to be changed would not be a viable source of energy due to its need to be changed with time.
Neurons transmit information between each other through electrical impulses called synapses. With the discussion of electricity, there must also be discussion of a potential difference to allow a flow of electrons amongst two different neurons. If the location of this potential difference can be pinpointed then its establishment will enable access to a foreign object with charge. This will finally allow the transmission of electrons and therefore communication can be established. This missing piece of the puzzle of neuroscience is an extremely important part of the picture that will solve many of the diseases associated with the brain.
The only option for the energy source of a CPU ingrained as the pons would be from surrounding cells. Cells utilize ATP to maintain homeostasis. A bridge would have to be constructed between the cell and the CPU to transfer the ATP from the cell to the CPU. This bridge would either utilize osmosis or diffusion to transport the ATP. After moving from the cell to the CPU, the adenosine triphosphate(ATP) would have to somehow be converted into the energy used by a CPU. ATP is not the only source of energy from a cell that could be diffused across the bridge. There could also be the utilization of glucose for energy. Again, glucose would need to be transported through a bridge that would convert it from its base molecular state to a state that would fulfill a potential difference for energy for a CPU.