As a world human beings have accomplished many astounding accomplishments. We have come from being hunter's and gatherers to partaking in organized monarchies, to organizing ourselves into governments driven by capitalism. Like various types of government changes through revolutions for the right and wrong reasons, technology has also improved. We have come from inaccurately navigating the seas with constellations to navigation through satellites in space. Adaptation is the common denominator and the reason of the breakthroughs amongst human beings.
It is now 2010 and as a society we have learned, created, and extensively explored the universe and placed our attention to many different fields defining us as an advanced society. One could look at Earth from the third person and say wow these humans are very intelligent animals who have come a long way from being single celled organisms. One could also look at the human race and say wow we have a long way to go in terms of efficiency, morals, politics, and science.
Earth would look like Jurassic Park without the unique brain of the human being, yet we still know so little about this three pound piece of jelly sitting in our head. Neurology is a subject that contains as many or even more questions as that of the cosmos and I personally believe that with a fundamental physiologically understanding of our brain, we will be able to understand our perception of the universe and how our perception has brought us to where we are today as a society.
Artificial Intelligence is a field that is younger than infancy, but the seed has definitely been planted and a more solid foundation will need to be set for AI. In order to mimic our brain through machines we will need to have a better understanding of it. This gain of knowledge will give into the fields of syncing our minds with various interfaces and AI. A breakthrough in any of these two fields will change the world and human society forever and most likely for the better.
Certain societies in the world are fortunate enough to have nutrition for their entire lives which causes them to live longer. An engine that lasts long also needs a transmission to partner it in it's longevity. Like a car's engine, the human body's heart's extended life also needs a brain to complement it in its elder years. This will be an extremely prevalent topic for our current young generation who will eventually become the elderly. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease's presence will rise amongst people in the next sixty years. Just as we have adapted in the past, Neurologists and Neuroscientists will have to eclectically team up to cure these dreadful diseases for future of generations.
In my past I have bounced around and chosen a couple of majors to study in college. At first I chose computer engineering where I had no hope in passing after I contained absolutely no interest in it. I then realized that I want to be a Neurologist so I decided I would take the route of Economics/Pre-med(thinking it would be smart to have a "broad background for med school"). After intermediately studying Economics, another subject that did not interest me, I realized that the only way to get through college is to study a major of my interest. My final decision is cognitive science/Pre-med. I want to be a neurologist because I want to be a pioneer, I want to be a philanthropist, and because I simply love the human brain.
I can't wait to hear about your research in this field.